paolo, mi daresti la mail di questi?
intanto ieri ho trovato questo ... _rev_b.pdf
ci sono scritte alcune cose che chiederei a mr scintilla di arezzo... tipo:
se mai dovessi avere un pacemaker non devo utilizzare la moto?
"People having pacemaker implanted should have the next steps performed by someone else. The voltage between the blue and yellow wires can rise up to 500 volts, causing the pacemaker to malfunction. The voltages at the coils side (which will not be touched normally during the installation of this kit) can reach voltages up to 40.000 Volt. This can also cause the pacemaker to malfunction. "
oppure roba di gradi.... sapete che io oltre i 90 gradi non mi spingo
"This system is developed for running with standard 5 ohm coils. If you need this system for use with lower Ohm coils, e.g. the Bol d’Or 3 Ohm types, you will have to order another rotor type. This is concerns the 110 contact angle type. Please mention this while ordering. "
* ……..your battery discharges after you have installed the SYSTEM, and did not discharge before….
You may have installed non-standard coils; 3 Ohms instead of 5 Ohms. The coils take more current, and therefore need another timing. You can order another rotor from your dealer. This rotor will provide a contact angle of 110 degrees, instead of 180 degrees. Please mention this while ordering.
* …….your coils heat up heavily after you have installed the system, and did not heat up before….
You may have installed non-standard coils; 3 Ohms instead of 5 Ohms. The coils take more current, and therefore will dissipate more heat. Also in this case the system will need another timing. You can order another rotor from your dealer. This rotor will provide a contact angle of 110 degrees, instead of 180 degrees. Please mention this while ordering.
insomma, c'è da preoccuparsi???? le mie non sono bobine del boldor.... vale lo stesso???? cambia qualcosa la faccenda dei cavi più grossi di cui parlammo????